The Prevue system consists of a variety of assessments, each administered for different purposes. The range consists of Pre-hire screening and Post-Hire Performance Development. All are timed assessments, The Pre and Post hire assessment generally take about one hour or less to complete.
Note: Typically you probably will not be able to answer all of the questions in each segment of the test in the time allotted.
When the questions are presented to you respond as honestly and as quickly as possible. Focus on responding to the questions you know; return to those you are not sure of. The goal is to answer as many questions as possible in the allotted time. When the time is up the system will move on to the next segment.
There is a segment that deals with shapes. This is designed to test abstract thinking and the ability to read forms, maps, drawings. graphs, etc. If these things are not an important part of your job your score in this area will be given little weight.
Each assessment is highly job specific.
Important: Respond to the things you know and return to the more difficult items or guess at the correct response. Please take the assessment in a quiet environment without distractions. Do not begin the assessment unless you have one hour of uninterrupted time available.
Program Sequence
- Your Personal Information form
- The processing agreement
- The Prevue Assessment
Click here to access the PREVUE system
Custom Development Programs: Click here only if instructed to do so by your assessment administrator